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Really?!?! I need to spend $100 on a silly graphing calculator?

YES!!! I cannot stress how important it is for you to own a graphing calculator!


You will use it for years to come. I realize it is a huge investment for many families, but it is a tool that you will use throughout high school and college. (I still use the same graphing calculator that I had in high school... it's blue with sparkles and it's awesome!)


You will use the graphing calculator every single day in my class. It is a tool that you must learn how to use effectively. This calculator has endless capabilities (far beyond just adding and subtracting), but you do need practice learning how to use it (just like you practice using your cell phone).


You will be able to use it on every major test you take. You will be able to use it on every math regents exam, every SAT and ACT exam, and every piece of evidence that I give in my class. Not to mention in college on midterms and finals.


It makes math easier! I promise! Some of my students have said that "It makes math so easy, almost too easy!"


I don't have enough for everyone. While I do have a class set of calculators that students are allowed to borrow during class, I cannot allow students to take them home and I don't always have enough for everyone in the entire class to use. So get your own!


Ok, now that I have fully convinced you to buy a graphing calculator please make sure you buy the correct model. You will need either a TI-83 or a TI-84.

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