Do Now:
Create a mental picture of a mathematician. (Or draw one on a piece of paper)
What do you imagine a mathematician does?
Why type of tools do they use?
How do they interact with others?
The Challenge:
You have to create the tallest structure you can out of 20 pieces of spaghetti, 1 yard of tape, 1 yard of string, and a marshmallow. The structure must stand on it's own and the marshmallow must be on top. You only have 15 minutes! Go!
The Results:
The winners are Tsering, Daniella, Hanaa, Fatima, and Janette! Thier structure reached a height of 25 inches!
Amazing team work and planning! Awesome job!
The Why?!
Why would we choose to do an activity like this in math class? Becuase...
Mathematicians have to work on teams
They have to think of multiple ways to solve problems
They have to have patience
They have to remain calm
They have to problem solve
They have to come up with many different approaches
They have to stick with it even when they get frustrated and want to give up